Kettlebells Good For Weight Loss?
your weight has started to become a concern, the time to begin
a weight loss program is now. You might also want to lose weight
because you don't want to wait for the time when things get unmanageable.
In that case you have already made the right decision for yourself
but your good intentions can come to a standstill if you don't
find the right workout routine, plan to lose weight. Going to
a gym might not be possible to all but you can find a way at home,
using kettlebells for example, which are effective in the process
of losing weight. As a beginner the question at the top of your
mind will rightly be, Are Kettlebells Good For Weight loss? And
the answer is a strong, definite yes.
Kettlebells are simple tools like dumbbells but have contained
handles and can be used accordingly. However they work on your
body differently from other fitness equipment because they target
your body's natural movements. Each and every muscle in your body
will get a workout when you use kettlebells and that means a much
higher consumption of oxygen and energy. This energy is obtained
through the fat stored in your body, which will get burned faster
in the process and you will lose weight sooner rather than later.
Kettlebells also generate a plyometric response from your body,
which helps you lose weight. It quite simply is the dynamic response
your body gives when it is in an unbalanced position. That's what
most of the kettlebell exercises lead you to be in, be it lifting
it from the floor or holding it in a shot put like position. Being
off balance will trigger responses from your body that will have
phenomenal effects in losing weight.
Kettlebell exercises also increase your metabolism, which helps
you tone your muscles as well. Building muscles requires a lot
of energy and your body gets it through burning of fat. Benefits
of kettlebell exercises don't stop after you have finished your
workout as excessive post exercise Oxygen consumption or EPOC
is very high. Hence you will be burning fat and losing calories
after your workout as well. The key lies in choosing the ideal
weight kettlebell for you, which you can arrive at after trying
out a few. Doing these exercises few times a week for short durations
can help you lose weight without much difficulty.