Are Kiwis good for weight loss?

Hairy bush fruit, Macaque Peach, Vine Pear, and Wood Berry - the Kiwi Fruit is known by many names and contains health benefits which are even more in number. This luscious fruit with a tropical flavor comes loaded with so many essential nutrients and vitamins that it is really difficult to fit them all in a single list. Nutrition journals maintain that 100 grams of Kiwi, when compared to the same amount of other beneficial fruits like papaya, mango or orange, enjoy the highest density of nutrition, having an index count of 16.

This specialty fruit from New Zealand is a very good combination of soluble as well as insoluble fiber. And if you are going to shoot the next question - Are Kiwis good for weight loss - the answer is YES. This fruit is a weight watchers delight and being low in calorific value is excellent as a guilt-free snack. It has a low glycemic index (only 47), is low in fat, low in carb and one large kiwi contains only 56 calories and 3 gms of dietary fiber - an outstanding combination which can actually help you to burn fat in the body quick and fast.

How are Kiwis good for weight loss?

Kiwi has got some admirable attributes which make it a fantastic weight loss aid.

Good digestive enzymes

Kiwi stores a digestive enzyme called actinidine in its layers, which is a useful component in breaking down ingested protein into amino acid, thus making it easier for the body to absorb it. At the same time, it also arrests protein from being converted into fat and therefore hinders fat accumulation in the body.

Good Source of fiber

It is a known fact that any food which is rich in dietary fiber is good for weight loss. Kiwi is one of the top rankers here and contains 2.3 times more fiber than a banana and 2.5 times more of it than an orange. What's more, pectin, the soluble fiber in Kiwi binds itself with fat, thus hindering its absorption in the body, ultimately passing it out of the body with the excretory waste.

Good source of carnitine

Carnitine is an excellent component for fat burning. The amino acids stored in Kiwi can help the human body in synthesizing carnitine and the result is quick and sure weight loss.

There are tasty ways to include Kiwis in your meal plan and if you are interested in losing weight with this miracle food, start scouring the internet for good recipes.

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