Are Soybeans Good for Losing Weight?

Many people think of soybeans as being something exotic or as a snack to have once in a while. But it turns out that soybeans are used in a wide variety of healthy and not-so-healthy foods. Soy bean flour is often used as a filler in many processed meats. Of course, it is also used to make meat substitutes and can be turned into a wide variety of textures and flavors.

Soybeans can be good for losing weight if you start to eat steamed soybeans, also called Edamame in Japanese, as a snack. Rather than eating fried, greasy chips, you can have a tasty, slightly salty soybean snack and do your body a favor. Soybeans are quite easy for the body to break down and use as energy, and as a result your body is less likely to store the nutrition from soybeans as fat.

Additionally, soybeans are very high in soluble and insoluble fiber, which is critical for the cleansing and proper processing of foods through the intestines. They are also high in isoflavone, which may be critical to helping combat cancer, especially breast cancer. Soybeans are also high in good cholesterol, the stuff that keeps your blood vessels flexible and healthy. When you eat foods that are high in good cholesterol, the amount of bad cholesterol is reduced, reducing the risk of heart disease and other circulatory problems. Plus, soybeans are high in calciums which are very easy for the body to absorb and use to strengthen bones.

Soybeans are very healthy for you to eat, which makes them a great substitute for the unhealthy foods that have been making you fat. In this way, you can get help with losing weight by eating soybeans. But there has been a study that shows that soybeans may actually contain a substance that causes fat cells to get smaller. This is an isoflavone called genistein and it has been successful in reducing the size and production of fat cells in mice.

There are many reasons to eat healthy soybean products and not many reasons to avoid them. The best way to eat them is by buying fresh or frozen soybeans and having them steamed or boiled quickly. A bit of salt and you've got a delicious snack. Of course, soybeans are also used to make tofu, tempeh, and many other meat substitutes. Just watch out for the other ingredients. Many substitute products can be very high in sodium and other things which will not help with your weight loss efforts.

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