Best Breakfast Foods For Weight Loss Exposed

Mom was right when she told you not to skip your breakfast. Yes, this is the most important meal of the day and a hearty breakfast gives your body the ignition to keep ticking tirelessly. Remember that your breakfast must hold a major share of the total calorific requirement that you have for a day.

The best breakfast foods for weight loss can be wide and varied, depending upon your taste and preferences. Just make sure that every food that reaches your mouth has its calorie and nutrient ratio intact, so that your body gets a nutritious, refreshing and filling breakfast before you start your day. Some suggestions for a weight loss breakfast plan -

Make your breakfast protein rich

Studies and researches have always tipped towards a protein rich breakfast for keeping weight gain at bay. Why? Because protein takes longer time to break down and hence keeps you fuller for longer and provides higher amount of energy. A bowl of oatmeal porridge, sandwich with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, cheese sandwich - choose from any of these to start your day in a healthy and wholesome way.

Eat complex carbohydrates and whole wheat foods

Our metabolism is at its peak in the morning and carbohydrates are a good way to give your body that energy boost that keeps the system ticking for the whole day. One golden rule that you need to follow is that, keep simple carbohydrates away from your plate and include complex carbohydrates and whole wheat cereals, bran and bread in your breakfast. The dietary fiber content is high in these foods and therefore takes more time to get digested.

Fruit Power

Fruits, eaten on an empty stomach, are considered to be power foods. A potassium rich banana, strawberries, peaches or blueberries - indulge in any of these. When you sleep, the body goes through a period of starvation and depletes sugar. The fructose from fruits (even the sweeter ones like grapes) is therefore likely to be used up and not stored in your body as fat when you eat them the first thing in the morning.

Other healthier options are low fat yoghurt, bacon, fruit smoothies, raisin bran without sugar and toasted bagel. If this sounds like a lot of food to you, do remember that a healthy breakfast keeps your hunger pangs at bay and holds you back from grabbing quick and high calorie foods like chips, cookies and colas during the day. Take your pick from the best breakfast foods for weight loss and lose weight easily - that's what experts recommend.

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