Low Sodium Diets and Weight Loss For Staying Fit and Healthy

If you are planning to lose weight through dieting, it is important that you know what type of weight you want to lose, whether it is fat mass or the lean mass or you want to get rid of excess water weight. Quite often, when people lose five to ten pounds in a week due to a restrictive diet, the bulk of the weight that is lost is water weight caused due to reducing the intake of sodium in your daily diet.

Table salt is considered to be one of the major reasons for weight gain. In fact, by using other alternatives and opting for low sodium diets can help in weight loss quickly. The recommended intake of sodium is between 1500 to 2300 milligrams daily in a normal person. However, it is quite common to see most people consuming twice the recommended intake. What most people do not know is that high levels of salt in your body can lead to storage of excess fat which can lead to bloating or unwanted extra weight.

Not many people are aware of the link between salt and weight gain. When you consume a high sodium diet, it stimulates the natural fat storing hormones in the body which results in speeding up the process of fat storage in the body. It provokes the cells causing inflammation and thereby resulting in the slowing down of the metabolism process. Over a period of time you will find the arteries begin to harden. So how does a low sodium diet help in weight loss?

Well, when you reduce the intake of sodium in your daily diet, it prevents the accumulation of water weight and at the same time helps in flushing out the accumulated water weight in your body. Try this. Skip table salt for a month and observe the changes. You will notice that there is higher metabolism, more energy, no bloating due to water gain. This natural weight loss process helps in reducing the instances of heart diseases, blood pressure or osteoporosis.

The best way to ensure low salt intake is to buy foods that are unprocessed like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. Be careful when buying processed foods because they contain a high quantity of salts and sugars.

Finally, eliminating table salt and maintaining low sodium diets along with moderate exercising will result in quick weight loss.

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